Irina Calado has collaborated with the most prestigious Portuguese animation companies as an author, director and producer. Her short films have been selected at national and international festivals, and her series broadcasted in numerous countries. In 2014 she joined Until the End of the World, one of the most awarded Portuguese production companies, and embraced another challenge: documentary production. She produced Until Porn Do Us Part by Jorge Pelicano and is now working on two documentaries.
projects in progress
The Great War (documentary) - Irina Calado, documentary, 70 min, Portugal, 2017; producer. Personal histories inside history.
ViewFinder (documentary) - Filipe Carvalho, documentary, 90 min, Portugal, 2017; producer. First-hand testimonies by journalists who have risked their lives covering armed confl icts throughout the world.
finished projects
Until Porn Do Us Part (documentary) - directed by Jorge Pelicano, documentary feature, 90 min, Portugal, 2017; producer.
The Great War (animation) - directed by Irina Calado, animation short, 14 min, Portugal, 2017; producer.
Suddenly My Thoughts Halt (documentary) - directed by Jorge Pelicano, documentary feature, 90 min, Portugal, 2014; producer.
The Guilt (animation) - directed by Irina Calado, animation short, 7 min, Portugal, 2005.
Production company
Name: Até ao Fim do Mundo
Address: Rua da Fraternidade Operária, nº 4 2790-072 Carnaxide, Portugal
Contact number: +351 962 558 653
E-mail address: irinacalado@ateaofimdomundo.com
Website: www.ateaofimdomundo.com